Friday, May 2, 2008

Do you Haiku?

When David and I graduated from college we had a fun and crazy group of friends that we hung out with in Norman, OK. There were always Dirty Santa Christmas parties, Halloween costume parties, Sunday night Star Trek and poker games, the annual Memorial Day floating of the Illinois River and parties for just about any other occasion we could think of or dream up.

So one of our friends, I think it was Jason Wells (AKA Franken for his very large Frankenstein shaped head) put together a group on Yahoo, called the Friends of the Attic, since the house we hung out at the most had a perfect little attic room. All of the "friends" are now scattered to the wind from Alaska to South Carolina and everywhere in between. So keeping in touch via email or the group home page seemed the sensible thing to do, and Friday Haiku is part of our continuing tradition to keep the group live! This is an amusing way to wish our friends an enjoyable weekend and to quickly tell them a bit about our lives with a creative 5-7-5 syllable poem.
Here are a few excerpts for your reading pleasure...... and if your are also feeling creative, leave your comment in haiku form!!!
June 14 this year
is going to be lots of fun
friends coming to town

Obert/Vergie wed
a trophy presentation
air show in Ada

come one come ye all
stay up until the moon falls
wake bake pancakes make
Tim-Ada, OK

one, two, three, four, five.
one, two, three, four, five, six, sev-
one, two, three, four, five.

when i am alone
i am a guitar hero
but only when drunk

gas prices go up
four bucks a gallon out west
go buy a good bike
Dave-Juneau, AK


Unknown said...

My Head isn't HUGE!
It's pleasently VERY LARGE.
Lots of grey matter!

Franken in the house
I am the Haiku Master
BOW to the melon!!!

I like your blog Suger Pie, I can't wait to hug your neck and punch your husband. Is the McCloud crew doing the Moonshine, automatic weapons and explosives for the 4th again this year?

Mrs. Elliott said...

Third grade play today
Weekend soccer in Lawton
Sunshine and laughter

Birthday time for Max
Can you believe he is nine?
Party next weekend

Alaskan Okie said...

i like the new blog
now i will leave a comment
in haiku format