Saturday, November 22, 2008

The perfect rocking chair

A classic gift when a baby is born, once mostly made from wood, probably by the expectant father or grandfather.....the perfect rocking chair is a significant piece of well....... not just furniture. It's a place to watch your child grow, from being propped in the crook of one arm to..... not only covering your lap but flowing over the side arm as well! It's a cuddly spot to enjoy your favorite book, alone or with company. Also the place you offer a visiting elder to rest and if it is strategically place near the window, or an Ott light, it's the best place to knit on cold winter days.
Yes, the perfect rocker is a cherished place to relax and I have waited many years to have such an heirloom piece of furniture in my home. This summer when my dad came to visit and realized that there was no rocker for him to sit in he promptly said, well we'll just have to go out and buy you one.....thanks dad:)
Oh and what about the fire you ask....well that is quite another story and of course I just can't resist telling you. This summer while we were visiting family in Oklahoma David and his Granny Barnes were discussing Alaskan winters and he happened to mention that he planned to put in a wood stove this year. Well after hearing that, nothing would do but for Granny to give him the money to purchase the stove, and I told him, " David if that is what she wants let her, I mean after all our society too often "tells" elders what they can and can't do, instead of letting them make their own choices, plus I know she will just love seeing how much we are enjoying her gift!

Granny shows the boys how to play a string & button game this past summer

Well again you have to remember that we weren't prepared for winter this year, not that we ever are. It's sad to say, but we've lived in AK for 12 years now, and I don't think you EVER get ready for winter! Secretly we hope that if we aren't ready, it won't come, however that never happens. David has been working hard for a while now in hopes that we would be able to enjoy a crackling fire to gather around on chilly winter nights. So first he scoured craigslist to see if he could get a good deal and was successful in finding a Vermont Casting Stove. He spent many hours figuring out what pipes were needed, making sure they all fit correctly(this took a couple of trips to the hardware store 'cause one of our pipe fittings was bent) he picked up a chimney brush and cleaned out the soot left behind by previous owners, purchased slate, grout, fire board, and wood and make his own hearth. The picture really doesn't do the grout justice, it's a redish/rust color which really sets off the gray marbled slate.

Finally after many weeks of anticipation, David decided to start a small fire, with a quick trip to the wood pile and a few crumpled news papers later ...... smoke began billowing out every crack and cranny on the stove, pipes, it fills the house and quickly David puts it out in frustration!!!!! He fretted that the stove was faulty and perhaps his great deal wasn't so great..... then he got his computer downloaded the entire owners manual and combed it over carefully, no mistakes, so why isn't the damn thing working!!! .....needless to say David was a wee bit frustrated and had some very interesting names for the stove *%&$#..... I suggested that he consult the experts at Woodway our local wood stove dealer. The guy told him to warm up the flue with a hair dryer and then light a fire......David thought, "Yea right, like that is ever going to work"....but he come home that very night warmed the flue, build a small fire and presto it worked and beautiful stove has been keeping us toasty warm ever since! Thank you Granny(and you too honey).


tiff said...

love the rocking chair...
love the wood stove platform...
love the wood stove...

enjoy warm days...
happy days...
snuggly days!

miss you.
love you.

Chum said...

Wonderful Posting, and hooray for getting the wood stove in!!